Japan Institute for Bhutan Studies: JIBS
1. 日時
2013年4月13日(土) 14:00~16:00
2. 場所
早稲田大学 16号館606教室
〒169‐8050 東京都新宿区西早稲田1-6-1
- JR山手線・西武新宿線 高田馬場駅 徒歩20分
(高田馬場駅より都営バス(系統:学02) 終点早大正門下車) - 東京メトロ東西線 早稲田駅 徒歩5分
- 都電荒川線 早稲田駅 徒歩5分
3. 発表題目及び発表者
平山 雄大(GNH研究所研究員/早稲田大学教育総合研究所助手)
4. 定員
5. 参加申し込み
6. 主要参考文献
- Bhutan Times (ed.) (2007) Immortal Lines: Speeches of the 4th Druk Gyalpo Jigme Singye Wangchuck, Thimphu: Bhutan Times.
- Gross National Happiness Commission, Royal Government of Bhutan (RGoB) (2008) Tenth Five Year Plan (2008-2013) Vol.Ⅰ: Main Document, Thimphu: RGoB.
- Jigmi Y. Thinley, (1999) “Values and Development: Gross National Happiness: Text of the Keynote Speech Delivered at the Millennium Meeting for Asia and the Pacific, 30 October ~ 1 November 1998 Seoul, Republic of Korea”, Sonam Kinga & Karma Galay & Phuntsho Rapten & Pain, Adam (eds.) Gross National Happiness: Discussion Papers, Thimphu: Centre for Bhutan Studies (CBS), pp.12-23.
- Kingdom of Bhutan (1998) Values and Development: Gross National Happiness, Keynote Speech Delivered at the UNDP Regional Millennium Meeting for Asia and the Pacific, 30 October – 1 November 1998 Seoul, Republic of Korea, Organized by UNDP and Government of the Republic of Korea.
- Planning Commission (PC), RGoB (1991) Seventh Five Year Plan (1992-1997) Vol 1. Main Plan Document, Thimphu: RGoB.
- PC, RGoB (1996) Eighth Five Year Plan (1997-2002) Vol.Ⅰ Main Document, Thimphu: RGoB.
- PC, RGoB (1999) Bhutan 2020: A Vision for Peace, Prosperity and Happiness, Thimphu: RGoB.
- PC, RGoB (2002) Ninth Plan Main Document (2002-2007), Thimphu: RGoB.
- RGoB (2008) The Constitution of the Kingdom of Bhutan, Thimphu: RGoB.
7. お問い合わせ先
平山雄大 hirayama12345*hotmail.com(*→@)