Japan Institute for Bhutan Studies: JIBS
『ブータン学研究』Vol.2, 2019
- ブータンへの医療支援における京都大学病院の取り組み (岡島 英明)
- ブータン王国のラックカイガラムシを題材とした高等学校家庭科の教材開発 ―ラック染色布、染色動画と実験を教材とした授業実践の試み― (都甲 由紀子・陶山 由佳)
- マンデビ語諸方言における音韻の年代差 (西田 文信)
- Plant Organization in Trong Village, Zhemgang, Bhutan (Akiko Yoshimura, Hirotsugu Suga, Yuko Nagamura, Hideaki Kawasaki, Masashi Ishii, Hayato Ide, Tashi Penjor, Ugyen M Tenzin)
- 第4回・第5回ブータンフォーラム ―ブータンで開催したブータンフォーラムの報告― (菊池 多絵)
The second issue of Japanese Journal of Bhutan Studies was published on 31st March, 2019.
Japanese Journal of Bhutan Studies Vol.2, 2019
Keynote Address, 2nd Annual Conference of JSBS
- Medical Cooperation between Kyoto University and University of Medical Sciences of Bhutan (Hideaki Okajima)
- Developing Teaching Materials for High School Home Economics Using Bhutan Lac Bugs -Practice Teaching of Lac Dyed Textiles and Dyeing Videos and Experiments as Learning Materials- (Yukiko Togo, Yuka Suyama)
- Phonological variation of different age groups in the Mangdep dialects (Fuminobu Nishida)
- Plant Organization in Trong Village, Zhemgang, Bhutan (Akiko Yoshimura, Hirotsugu Suga, Yuko Nagamura, Hideaki Kawasaki, Masashi Ishii, Hayato Ide, Tashi Penjor, Ugyen M Tenzin)
- Report of Bhutan Forum in Bhutan (Tae Kikuchi)